Thursday, December 03, 2009

Adam's Voki on Bridge to Terbithia

Get a Voki now!

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Voki of life in Nepal

Blue reading group read about children living in Nepal. We think their lives would be hard because they have lots of jobs to do and don't go to school.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Morgans Wordle

Wordle: Untitled

This is a Wordle of my favorite song "Down by Jay Sean". I like it because it has a catchy rhythm, and I like the lyrics. You can create one here

Monday, November 30, 2009

Kachina - My wild self

My wild self is called KaChinA the Cob-dog-sha-ringo-orb-fly-peacock. I have my cobra hood to scare of any bully animals as I have my big dog ears so I can hear if something is coming. My spider legs help me make silky webs to catch my pray and my shark teeth help me eat it. My most prized part is my monarch butterfly wings; they can flap 5 times in one second.

What you need in a survival kit

Do you know what you need in your survival kit?
 For their inquiry Hannah A, Adam and Andrew have made a movie to show what you need in a survival kit. Having a survival kit is really important, you will need one after any disaster, so you better be ready!

Morgans Wild-Self

This is my Wild-Self. The horse tail is to flick away annoying insects and bugs. The wings are to fly away from danger. My big wolf ears are to hear my prey and to look more normal. My strong zebra arms are to run fast, and to stomp on prey. My jelly fish bottom is to look more graceful when flying. I think I truly am wild!