Saturday, August 15, 2009

More Jacqueline Wilson!!!

Review done by Courtney J.
Age 10
From Springston School

My Sister Jodie
By Jacqueline Wilson

How easy was it to get stuck into this book?
Very easy. Unless you’ve read one of Jacqueline’s books you have no idea how great she is, she just has a magic yet life like theme to all her books. Anyway this book is great. Every word gives you thrills of what’s going to happen next and you can never predict what’s going to happen. Also when you read about Pearl, Jodie and Harley's adventures in and around the school, you feel like you're there with them getting into trouble and exploring new places. That’s why I love this book.

Who are the main characters?
The main characters are Pearl, Jodie and Harley. Pearl is a very kind girl and doesn’t adapt very well to change. Jodie, on the other hand, is confident and willing to do anything, also she’s a very good spooky story teller and manages to scare Pearl constantly. Harley thinks Pearl is great and they both like each other (or so it seems).

What’s the story-line?
The story-line is about a young girl called Pearl who, with her sister, mum and dad, move house and schools. As her parents adapt well to the school as the caretakers and Jodie makes friends with the teachers, Pearl finds it uncomfortable, until she meets Harley. Harley is a kind, sweet boy and Pearl thinks the world of him, but as the semester starts they end up getting in a bit of trouble with Jodie. Also this book has no happy ending, in fact it’s probably the saddest ending I’ve read about and I wish I could tell you it, but you’ll have to read the book yourself.

How it’s written!!!
This book is quite intense because of the thrills and anticipation it gives you, but it’s definitely something I would recommend to anyone older than 9 because it's more of an older book.

Other books by the same author that I know!!!
Double Act
Clean Break
Lola Rose
And many more

My Rating!!!
I’m giving this book a 4/5 because it’s a great book. It gives you thrills all round and there’s nothing else much to say but that it’s a great book.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Kachina - Tongan Ferry Princess Ashika Report

On the 6th of August the Tongan Ferry Princess Ashika sank carrying 149 passengers and crew. This terrible wreckage was first spotted by the Navy whose sonar reads that the Princess Ashika is laying upright 110 meters below surface.
Many investigators are beginning to consider that the cause of the ship sinking was from the bad structure of the design. It is believed that 93 passenger’s bodies are still trapped onboard. The wreckage is much too deep for divers so they are now sending an electronic probe down to investigate.

By Kachina (year7)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Student Council

Courtney and Sion (Year 6), from the Media Team, introduce us to the team of students who make up Springston School's Student Council. Find out about the projects the Council has been working on this year.

They'd love to hear back from other student councils and share ideas - please post them a comment. Perhaps they could Skype with you?

3:26 minutes, 3.9 MB, .mp4 file