Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Let's Get Inventing!

Hannah (Year 6) and Emily (Year 7) interview students around Springston School about the inventions they have been working on. 'Let's Get Inventing' is our theme for the term - to make something which makes life easier for others.

2:11 minutes, 2.6 MB, mpeg-4 video file

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Let's Get Inventing

This term and some of last, all the students and teachers, from Springston School have been studying inventors and their inventions. Some students are even trying to invent their own, or make a invention better.

At the beginning of the inquiry, four rooms including 4, 5, 6 and 7 went to the Museum and Science Alive to study and find out what inventions are made for.
At the Museum they went to the classroom and completed activities like; carving, drilling through either wood or bone, trying to make fire (we didn’t though), plus heaps more. After that we went into the Maori part of the Museum and looked at the tools the Maoris used many years ago. Afterwards we went to Science Alive and had to create a structure from Lego to make life easier. This trip helped us understand the meanings of inventions, and how pulleys, wedges and levers help us in every day jobs.

This term we have been looking deeper into inventions. We have been planning inventions we would like to innovate on or new inventions we would like to create.

Hannah D.